I Was


In Life

Self-hatred was my middle name. Even though I looked happy on the outside, I was so depressed for most of my life, without fully knowing why.



I suffered from anxiety, brain fog, ptsd, suicidal thoughts, digestive issues, acne, feelings of hopelessness and unworthiness.



I turned the pain inward and started harming myself with food, alcohol, cigarettes, sex and drugs. Anything to numb. I thought there was something wrong with me, and it took me a long time before I made the connections with what was really going on.

This was my rock


To be completely honest, I had a few rock bottoms. My first suicide attempt was at 17 years old. I started cutting at the age of 9, drinking/smoking at 12 and starving myself at the age of 15.



I battled with eating disorders, from anorexia to bulimia, where I weighed as low as 80 pounds, and as high as 180 pounds.



Many times, I thought I was going to die, either from malnutrition, alcohol abuse or a drug overdose. I was out of control. I didn’t know what was going on with me, I felt guilty for causing so much pain to my family, but I just couldn’t stop the cycles of self-harm. I was in and out of hospitals and treatment centers for years, and heavily medicated on antidepressants.



I would get better for a while, only to fall back into the darkness and dangerous habits. It was hard for me to study, keep a job, or maintain healthy relationships.

Later on, the drinking got worse. I got introduced to hard drugs. I thought I found my saving grace and my ultimate relief. In many ways, I did, because they brought me to my knees.

They brought me to my death. And also to my LIGHT. To my REDEMPTION and SURRENDER.

I was shown the way to the FRUIT. To the Herbs, to the MEDICINES from the Earth. The drugs brought me to GOD. And to my DIVINE DESTINY!


During my time in recovery, I dove deep into plant medicines, juicing, raw veganism, yoga, meditation, breathwork, sound healing, sweat lodges, ecstatic dancing, I learned about ancestral trauma and attended countless meetings. I saw the importance of COMMUNITY, support, sisterhood and brotherhood in overcoming addictions. 


I was committed to uncovering the ROOT CAUSE of the addictions and depression so that I could live a happy healthy life and be the mom I needed to be.

What shocked me is that in all my recovery, I never heard them talk about nutrition much. I was already plant based, and was surprised to see everyone still drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, eating meat, cheese, breads, cake, and many were overweight. It didn’t take me long to realize that this would only set me up for more depression and potential relapses. 

If I wanted to be happy, I was going to have to not only get sober, but I’d have to also be REALLY healthy. Maybe like no one ever had before. I didn’t want to be another recovering addict who replaces their drug/alcohol addiction with food.

I wanted total liberation from ALL MY ADDICTIONS!

My efforts yielded


My plant-based journey started in 2012.



Having struggled with chronic constipation, fatigue, weight gain, IBS, depression, PTSD, skin and hormonal issues for many years, I decided to go vegetarian and see if it helped the symptoms. I felt intuitively that if I stopped eating meat, I’d feel better.



Without any knowledge, information or teacher, I cut out all meats, chicken and fish, and felt more energy immediately. My mood improved, I was sleeping deeper, my periods were less painful, and my digestive system started functioning properly.



It truly was a calling from God that told me to do this.

In doing more research, I discovered documentaries such as What The Health, Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks over Knives, as well as the works of the great Dr. Sebi, Professor Arnold Ehret, Dr. Robert Morse, John Rose, Aris Latham, Gabriel Cousens, Dan the Man, Fully Raw Christina, Karen Calabrese who were all talking about the benefits of Raw Living Foods, detoxification and the Mucus-free lifestyle.

I started implementing their teachings and incorporating organic superfoods into my diet and saw incredible results. I eliminated dairy and eggs because they are inflammatory and mucus-forming, I quit coffee, cigarettes, cannabis, drugs and alcohol completely, completed a few short juice cleanses, and felt my best while on all living foods. 

I KNEW I was destined to be Raw Vegan and that I would get better naturally.


As much as I wanted to go Raw, it was difficult for me to let go of the processed vegan foods like beyond meat burgers, pastas, plant-based cheeses, even fried and restaurant foods. I kept going back to them, struggling with my weight, acne, and depression. 

Then I found out about MUCOID PLAQUE, and how it breeds parasites, causes blockages and prevents the nutrients from being absorbed. The fungus, mold and parasites in my system were wreaking havoc on my insides, controlling my mind and my cravings! 



I learned about the benefits of extended juice cleansing and how it would help me remove all this old waste. Right away I committed to doing 40 days. Not only did I gain incredible amounts of energy, clarity, deep inner peace, but my face cleared up, the inflammation went down, and from the second week of my juice feast, I started releasing thick, rubbery smelly mucoid plaque that looked like it had been inside me for a very long time. 

I was guided to continue till I didn’t see any more, so I went on for 113 days! As soon as this mucoid plaque came out of me, I felt like a NEW WOMAN! It was like a weight had been lifted from off my shoulders, and I could breathe again. 

I wanted to sing, dance, smile, I FELT FREE! It’s like a switch was turned on that brought me BACK TO LIFE. I knew I held the key to true cleansing, weight loss, addiction recovery and total mind-body-spirit transformation and I had to share it with others.

From that point on,

I began living HAPPY in my body and mind.

This juice cleanse changed my life forever. I connected so deeply with myself, to my Higher Power, to God, and to my MISSION, which is to help others through their transformations, juice cleanses, overcoming addictions and transitioning to living foods. 



There were moments I wanted to give up, but I kept remembering WHY I needed to continue. Not only for my daughter and family, but for all those who were struggling and needed my help too. It was much easier after this juice cleanse to stay all raw/high raw. 



My body was in tune to the living foods, and I was able to let go of all the breads, processed foods, rice, artificial sweeteners, even cooked foods. From this juice cleanse, everything changed. It was a true transformation. 



Today I am a fruit-based raw/vegan who thrives on fruit mostly! I am here to support those who wish to transition to a whole-food, high or all raw vegan lifestyle and meet you where you are on your journey to transition to the optimal possible lifestyle!

Don’t Be


To Say Hi