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Living Foods &

Juice Cleansing


Your Mind, Body & Soul

Return to Nature with God’s living foods and natural juices to lose weight, overcome addictions, dis-ease, eliminate old waste, parasites, and mucoid plaque so you can RECONNECT to who you truly are, feel BALANCED, ENERGIZED, reverse ageing, and Uncover your Divine Mission here on Earth!


Your Life

Experience self-love and liberation by detoxifying and embracing living foods for transformative healing.


It's about much more than losing weight though. This is about longevity, happiness, vitality, and peace.

Hello, I’m


My friends call me Raw Vegan Queen.


I have been healing myself for over the last 10 years with fruit and living foods and I’m so excited to support you on your journey!


I can’t wait to share with you everything I have learned and continue to learn and see the magic happen in you!


But first you need to innerstand one thing…

The Time Has Come To Forget Everything

You’ve Been Told About

Diet & Weight Loss.

There are so many mixed messages, contradictory information and fad diets out there that simply don’t work. Many people come to me after they have tried so many different programs, pills and even surgery.


That’s because they haven’t addressed the root cause, which is a  build-up of toxins, parasites, fungus, acids and mucus accumulated in the body, from years of eating the wrong foods.


If you are struggling with your weight, have skin issues, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, heart palpitations, insomnia, allergies, depression, brain fog, congestion, anger, hormone problems, then those are signs you need to detox.


It’s not just about “weight” loss. It’s about WASTE loss.


The solution is ELIMINATION! DETOX is the key to long-term health, vitality, and healthy weight. Once our body is clean, we have a faster metabolism, we absorb nutrients more efficiently, we don’t have the same addictions because we NATURALLY start craving all the good stuff, meaning fruits and veggies!

A Solution That


Detox is the only way to truly reverse dis-ease because it addresses the Root Cause. When the digestive tract has been cleansed and emptied from the old waste, the body will then naturally start functioning better; all the organs, glands, cells and tissues will REGENERATE.

I’m here to help you take your power back and clean out your sacred temple


The main purpose of a juice feast is to consume only fruit/vegetable juice (with the fiber removed) for a period of time to allow the entire digestive system to rest from having to constantly digest, process and eliminate anything.



By doing this, any energy that was normally being used to process any food/fiber, is instead re-allocated to self-healing and removing any stuck un-eliminated mucoid plaque/waste inside the digestive system and other organs/glands of the body.

I will guide you every step of the way! From preparing you for a juice feast, to the feast itself, as well as supporting you in your rebuilding stages, and transitioning to a raw vegan, whole-food plant based or fruitarian lifestyle.

Start Your Cleansing Journey With Me

Work With Me

I will guide you every step of the way! Whether you want to adopt a whole food plant-based diet, go fruitarian, or embark on a juice feast I am here to support you on your journey!

Juice Cleanse Protocol

The ultimate companion for embarking on your juicing journey! A step by step guide that will help you detox, remove mucoid plaque, and allow you to become your most happy, healthy self!

1-hour Consulation Call

Let’s have an introductory deep dive session, so I can get to know you better and provide you with support on your journey. It is my greatest honour to meet you and connect.

What Others Have To


About Aline

Welcome To My Health & Wellness
