The Rawvolution Inner Circle Community

Revitalise, Rejuvenate, Alchemize your life

The RAWvolution is a loving inclusive Plant-based community which helps people learn about and embrace the vegan, fruit-based/living foods lifestyle. 


Wherever you are in your journey (starting to transition, vegetarian, whole food plant based, raw vegan, juice cleansing, fruitarian), we support you at every stage of your transformation with live classes, meetings and demonstrations to help you improve your health and tap into the highest version of yourself.

Some of the activities we offer and not limited to are:

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Here's why having support during this transition is beneficial:

See What Other People Are Saying

Remembering and resonating deeply with the divine creator, all the living foods, sun, earth, ocean, moon, & others who are on a journey of healing and self love has been such a learning, growing, and spiritual journey. Having A community, I learned along my journey, is so essential & important in this process. Feeling of aloneness is something that can come up, but having a group of people you can see and connect with every single day is where the magic happens. Seeing others try their hardest, fall- but get back up, rise against fears & temptations, is so inspiring and motivating when you are someone who is on your own journey, but also striving for that high vibration and true self love. I have to as well mentioned The discipline along with the SELF LOVE though ALL moments I’ve seen in Aline’s journey as well has a huge part in my journey. It’s been a couple years now that I’ve been pulled more and more frequently and feeling in alignment with what I’m doing in the present. Finding Aline in a fruit group, seeing her story, kindling a friendship, and becoming a part of The RAWvolution community space was exactly what I needed when I found it. It was simply divine alignment. I look back and think on how I was living and slowly poisoning myself with processed foods, chemicals, & other toxic habits in my life. I was so use to the pain I was in, I didn’t even know how good I could feel until I ate fruit as my main source of fuel. I’ve lost so much sickness, held trauma, waist (weight), & toxic habits. I’m not striving for perfection at this present moment. I’m focusing on healing my physical body & soul by giving my body the best source of food Divinely provided to us, which in turn allows my body to use energy on healing. I’m Christina Nicole & I’m honored to be here in this moment & space with you all. I’m so Thrilled for what the future holds!
🙏🏼 love, light, & life to you all.


– Christina Nicole

When I began working with Aline I was so critical, judgmental and harsh with myself that it was abusive. Her insightful approach with me was to “be compassionate with myself and implement one small change.” I didn’t want to hear it because I wanted to go from fat, sick, tired and in chronic pain to raw vegan, thin and agile overnight. She patiently repeated herself thru several sessions until her message caught hold. As a result of her wise, unconditionally loving and direct (cause sometimes I needed a little push) approach I’ve gone from a size 20 to 14, eat living foods (high fruit) everyday, am off the walker and am courageously facing the challenges in my life one step at a time. Aline, you are an incredible soul, and I don’t say that lightly. Thank you for giving me a place to share and shine, and for seeing me underneath all those stories that I was carrying around, and for showing up so RAWthentically. I’m so thrilled to be part of the RAWVOLUTION!


~Alva Godèava Baltimore

Aline has been an incredible support throughout my 120 day juice fast. Not only did she help me stay on track with my cleanse by providing valuable advice and guidance, but she also served as an emotional support blanket and cheerleader. Whenever I was feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, Aline was always there to listen, offer words of encouragement and provide helpful tips to keep me motivated. Her positive attitude and unwavering support helped me stay focused on my goals and push through the challenges of my juice fast. I’m so grateful to have had her by my side during this journey and highly recommend her as a coach and mentor to anyone looking to embark on a similar path.


– Queen Magri Jade Jackson

This woman is changing lives. If you heard her story, if you knew where she comes from, and where she is today, you would be blown away. I have struggled with food addiction for YEARS. My entire life. And since I’ve been following her, since I have become OBSESSED with her, my relationship with food has changed. In the past, at one point I had lost 120 lbs…and it was amazing,and that path was beautiful. But I still struggled daily with an unhealthy relationship with food. Today, I have a long way to go, I am nowhere near my goal weight, and I am not a “fully raw” vegan. But I enjoy my food. I love eating raw salads and fruits and more and more I am eliminating junk and gravitating more toward foods that are pure and delicious, foods that are healing my body and my heart. I watch Aline Habib’s videos and posts and reels every single day. I count her as an important person in my life, as a friend. And I would love for you to be able to benefit from her wisdom and for you to hear her story too, and see how much your life will transform by having Aline in your life as well. Even if you absolutely love your food and your body, just take a listen and see how you feel by the amazing profound lessons you learn from this goddess, this queen Aline.

– Queen April Hope

Here's What You'll Get

Meet Aline Habib

Aline Habib’s journey is a testament to resilience and transformation. As a single mother, she’s overcome battles with addictions and many health challenges, including depression, anxiety, gut, skin and hormonal issues. Embracing a holistic lifestyle centered around raw veganism, she’s on a mission to help others realize their full potential and uncover their divine purpose. Her own healing journey led her to advocate for fruits, living foods, plant medicines, juice cleansing and fasting. Through her online community, the RAWvolution, and YouTube channel, “Queen Aline,” she shares insights and spreads awareness about holistic living. As a hotelier and philanthropist, she’s working towards establishing a healing center and community in the tropics. She embodies the belief that healing, happiness, freedom and fulfillment are within reach through courage, connection to one’s truth and positive, healthy relationships.

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